How to Choose a Freight Forwarder

How to Choose a Freight Forwarder

Five Ways To Improve Logistics Efficiency At Manufacturing Sites?

Essentials for Selecting the Right Freight Forwarder  

Selecting the right freight forwarder is quint-essential for business owners who have to frequently export and import goods. However, there are a couple of things that are good to have before choosing a freight forwarder: 

  • Your customers should be able to create quotations, pickups and tracking from their login
  • Have a customizable rate engine to update your rates
  • Able to provide instant discounts to customers through the system
  • Handling customization
  • Performing daily warehouse inventory updates using the barcode scanner
  • Knowing the loaded/received counts while loading and unloading using the barcode scanner
  • Low costs with software as a service model
  • Pay as you go
  • An online application which can be accessed across the globe
  • Free updates to the system
  • Training and online support

In addition to this checklist, we have devised our own checklist of qualities to look for when you are ready to choose a freight forwarder.

Industry Expertise

You need to select a freight forwarder who is experienced. The more experience, the better. If you are taking services from a company that just ventured into this business then you may land into some problems. Inexperienced freight forwarders may not possess the required knowledge of all state laws or procedures and thus lead to delay and failure of the transportation of your goods. Therefore, take services from experienced freight forwarders who have been a part of this industry for years.

Search Online / Reviews

It is always a smart move to research the company online because you will come to know more about it. You can assess their presence by reading customer reviews. A good reliable company always has a dominant internet presence. Knowledge is power after all. 

Strength of the Company

Try to assess how strong the company is, how small or big the staff is and son on. Get to know what the potential company is capable of. A good way to do so is talking to them about their company to understand whether you can rely on them or not. A face to face conversation can tell you more about someone than a computer screen ever can. 

Freight Process

It is necessary that you learn more about their freight process. You can ask them to explain how they can safely transport your goods or the safety measures they take alongside any other questions or concerns you may have.


Costs should not be neglected. If you are selecting a company that has high costs then you could run the risk of lowering profit in business. Therefore, you need to hire a company that can charge you considerably less, but still uphold good quality service. Again, it must be mentioned to not get lured only by low costs because sometimes these are freight scammers or fake companies that attract businesses with low costs and leave clients in the lurch. Therefore, be smart when you have to deal with costs. 

Selecting a Local Freight Forwarder 

Selecting a local company for the transportation of your goods can actually be really good thing. The freight forwarder who is closer to your site of goods can collect them more easily. Plus, you can personally check and re-check on your orders from time-to-time and also keep track of the work flow.  

Business Location

Business location is important. Since, new businesses often display themselves to be capable of doing so many things for clients its is critical to check them out. Some of these companies may not have the necessary manpower nor the resources to carry out the work. Therefore, double-check when you get in touch with any company. Ask for their address and if possible visit their office to see for yourself if they can deliver the work you need.  


You should also check out your freight forwarder facilities. A freight forwarding company should have all types of carriers that could transport your goods. As well as a professional staff who can take care of goods with your trust. Try to know more about the facilities they provide before actually signing any agreement.


Write down everything related to freight terms. You need to have a bond that can protect you or your business from all unexpected events.


Is your freight forwarder making use of the latest freight technology or not? Find out. Some freight forwarders make use of the latest technologies to ensure a safer transfer of goods from one place to the other. Some of them use software such as BoxOn Freight Forwarding Software to keep track of all goods and much more. These companies are a step ahead of the game and that makes them an ideal choice so look out for that.


Ask for references. If possible talk to one of their existing clients to know more about the quality of their services.


Last but not least, ask yourself, can they provide the support that I need? It is very important that you rely on a freight forwarder that offers support services.

Focusing on the above factors will surely help you get connected to the right freight forwarder for success in your business.

For Freight Forwarders

Wish to provide better freight forwarding services for your clients? Get BoxOn Freight Forwarding Software integrated into your business strategies to discover its benefits. Freight Forwarding Software such as BoxOn Logistics can help streamline all your freight operations and provide 100% reliable and quality freight services for all your clients.

To schedule a FREE DEMO or to know more about BoxOn Freight Forwarding Software, please contact us here


  • comment-avatar

    I like how you mention that a freight forwarder who is closer to your site of goods can collect them more easily. The personal aspect of a local company is definitely appealing as well. I’m sure it would be nice to hire someone who you can feel a connection to through your community interactions.

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