Questions That  Help You to Facilitate a Logistics Software Switch

Questions That Help You to Facilitate a Logistics Software Switch

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The procedure of switching to different software can be overwhelming for you that can leave you with various questions swirling through your mind.

So, we are here for you to answer some of the most common and important questions that can help you facilitate a logistics software switch:

Question 1: We have been using our Transportation Management System for over ten years ago and have several upgrades coming up. Now, we are thinking of switching to something cloud-based. What does it feel like to switch software?

Answer: There are numerous factors that affect this, however, it has become much easier than how it used to be. Though depending on various factors, it could take days, weeks, months, or in the worst cases, years. But again, it all depends on your and your company’s requirements.

Question 2: What are the major factors involved?

Answer: A determining component is whether you want to go with a cloud-based system or an enterprise system. But, one should keep in mind that an enterprise system usually takes up to months to just get all the equipment in place, setting you back where you started with costly updates and server considerations. Whereas, on the other hand, a cloud system is way faster to implement in your logistics software.

With a cloud system, you don’t have to worry about ordering servers and equipment, configuring and installing them, also, a lot less training is required for your employees.

Question 3: Can cloud-based systems serve big companies?

Answer: Yes, some cloud-based systems can do it significantly as well as smoothly. Depending on how big of a company we are talking about, a system can be ready in a day or two. And, it is the easiest part.

Size actually matters in such types of cases, switching to a company with a large number of users can be a bit challenging. Each department if not a group requires to be trained to ensure the new application will manage and control their requirements. Additionally, each business scenario should be looked at critically to ensure that you or your team won’t face any kind of surprises on the first days. Because in the end, what matters the most is your business continuity.

Question 4: What are the other factors?

Answer: Consider the most common yet critical factor- uniqueness. For instance, if you are thinking of doing something different, or a specific procedure needed by an important client, you might require customization. Where some systems enable customization, others do not.

This can make it easy for you to decide on a provider. If you require something that they can’t do, then there is no need to keep continuing with them. Moreover, it seems to you that it is necessary for your growth to take on customers with unique needs. You can ask your potential Logistics management system suppliers about their unique abilities to customize or other critical factors. Such as, how much will it cost? How much time will it take? And, you should always try to ask for references to go through their previous work.

Question 5: How many months? Why so long?

Answer: You will always be as fast as your partners. If you are able to get instant responses, everything goes quickly. However, some partners take a week or many weeks to reply, so it can take some time. Because if your big clients are too slow to respond, you really can’t pressure them into doing it faster for you? Hence, the important key is planning everything a little ahead of time. Not to mention, looking out for the proper contacts and getting information ahead of time can make a big difference.

Question 6: What about training my team?

Answer: Training is pretty crucial, especially while adopting a new system. Also, it is less likely that your new system provides some efficiency on day one. So to increase your investment and save as much time as possible, your people should know how to use what your system can offer. Therefore, the training!

In addition, you need to ask that, does your potential provider offer training? Do they visit your offices while training? Or, do they provide online sessions? When we talk about online resources, you are required to look for yourself.

Hopefully, these questions can help you smoothen your transition to adapting different logistics software.

You can get more details on logistics software by registering yourself here!