Company: Shweebo
About: Shweebo offers 3rd Party Logistics and PO Box Services to online shoppers around the world.
“With BoxOn, we were able to get rid of redundancies in data entry related tasks, improve management of the quotes, update information processing and better manage our data in general. ”
Josh Burnley, President
Company Overview: Shweebo helps clients across the U.S. and clients from various parts of the world have full control over their shopping, packaging and shipping requirements. Since having been established in 2010, Shweebo has served more than 20,000 customers from over 220 countries. Shweebo helps its clients to utilize the best consolidation services in order for them to save money on shipping. Shoppers register and shop online in the U.S. at sites like, Saks Fifth Avenue, and more. With Shweebo, merchants get the best exporting services whereas the shoppers get access to full product offerings, the most economical and efficient rates and services to receive their goods.
Getting Started: Shweebo required a website that integrated a backend tracking system to be able to meet the requirements of its clients and the workflow of its employees. Shweebo’s primary goal was installing software that would help streamline their entire logistics operations. We began by customizing BoxOn around their existing logistics operations by building into the BoxOn framework a series of rules to fit their operations and keep employees locked into their internal processes. When this was completed, the key was to get the pertinent customer shipment data from BoxOn back to the front end of the customer login portal on their website.
Shweebo had a clean, pre-existing website with a client login feature. We implemented a solution which provided Shweebo the flexibility they needed in enhancing their website without having to modify their design or change their brand. By upgrading the loading time and creating a front end with clear navigation for the customers, Shweebo was able to leverage the full benefits of the BoxOn technology not only for their internal operations, but also for the benefit of their customers. With BoxOn, Shweebo has complete control of what information the client can access about their purchases and shipments. And because the breadth of data available has been written into the system per Shweebo’s specifications, the data that is given to the customer is far more complete than it had been before. Whether it is tracking info, carrier info, rate or payment information, it is all there for the customer to access at the touch of a button and is delivered in a user-friendly, clean web interface.
Josh Burnley, President of Shweebo says, “The software is extremely user-friendly. It took us very little time to learn and start making use of it. The BoxOn team helped a lot and displayed a great level of patience in working with us and getting us trained. Tasks became simpler and employees began to enjoy the work more and more. With BoxOn, we were able to get rid of redundancies in data entry related tasks, improve management of the quotes, update information processing and better manage our data in general”.
“The clients have the option to log into their account from anywhere in the world and have the chance to view the details related to their product delivery or shipments. We also understand that sometimes our clients do not have the time to log into their accounts and know more about the status of their transaction or shipments. We send them alerts and keep them informed at all stages”, said Mr. Burnley.
Conclusion: With BoxOn, Shweebo has increased growth in its business by 80% without increasing the workload on staff or having to bring in new hires. By using BoxOn’s QuickBooks integration module, generating profit-loss reports, transaction records and processing liquidations has become much easier to track and report. Mr. Burnley added this final thought, “The need for efficiency in tasks is a core part of creating success in the PO Box Business. It would not be wrong to say that we owe a large part of our success to BoxOn. The software really has improved our processes and made everything simpler for us. With BoxOn, we were able to bring about a sea of change in the way we perform our logistics operations.”