We are proud to announce the new and improved BoxOn 2.0. The original logistic features of the BoxOn application are being revamped and enhanced. Our team wanted to help meet our customer’s needs and goals more efficiently. So, not only was the look and feel improved, the main functionalities were also improved.
Our UI and UX development team worked hand in hand with our Software Developers to build a stronger version of BoxOn Logistics, set to launch early this year.
This project has been in motion for quite some time now and its finally close to launch. But before launching, we wanted to give you a sneak peak introduction into the main new enhancements of the BoxOn Logistics application.
The New and Improved BoxOn 2.0
Mobile Application
The mobile version of BoxOn Logistics is one of the most important enhancements made. The application’s workflow consists of three roles:
- System Administrator: creates and maintains Dispatcher and Driver information in the system with appropriate credentials like username, cellphone number and password.
- Dispatcher: assigns the Pick-Up order and Bill Of Landing (BOL) to the Driver.
- Driver: uses the Pick-Up order to pick up items from a client’s location and BOL to deliver items at the consignee’s location.
The driver can also see, receive and modify the Pick-Up Order details. Apart from submitting his signature at the Pick-Up time and Delivery time. The Dispatcher then closes the Bill Of Landing.
It goes without saying that these three roles, System Administrator, Dispatcher and Driver, are interdependent and controlled meaningfully. And although the application already maintained a sequential and controlled workflow some add-ons were implemented.
The new add-on features embedded, make BoxOn 2.0 cost-effective and result-oriented in the perspective of our customers. The new look and feel also make using the mobile app much simpler and user-friendly.
The accounts functionality will have enhanced features to enable an easy transactional level of logistics. BoxOn 2.0 effectively caters to customers needs because it contains basic to advanced transactional features.
Subsequently, a customer can maintain and track all sorts of information such as:
- Bank and Credit Account Balances
- Invoice Customers
- Receive Payments
- Bill Payments
- Deposits
- Credit Card Payments
- Adjustments
Outwardly, the application seems simple but technically, its robust, unique and user-friendly in its usage.
Aside from accounts, the customs functionality also contains enhancements to make it more user-friendly. Its going to contain all the freight information meant for clearance at both the port and cargo level.
A customer will be able to maintain the shipping, transit and delivery of freight, alongside its related price, date and location information dynamically and effectively.
Additionally, BoxOn 2.0 seeks user-flow improvements with the implementation of best AngularJS technology features for new freight forward technology and better performance.
Give it a Go
We look forward to leveraging the best features of BoxOn 2.0 to meet our customers’ needs and goals upon launching. However, if you’d like to know more about this new robust technology now, you have a couple of options:
- Contact BoxOn Today
- Check out our website
- Sign up for our newsletter for the latest and greatest updates on BoxOn and all things Logistics
- Give our application a go with a FREE DEMO!
Either way you can’t go wrong, so stick around for more from BoxOn Logistics.