MAWB (Master Airway Bill) & HAWB (House Airway Bill) Features

MAWB (Master Airway Bill) & HAWB (House Airway Bill) Features

Five Ways To Improve Logistics Efficiency At Manufacturing Sites?

For freight forwarders, shippers, third-party logistics (3PLs) providers dealing with the issues of Master Airway Bill (MAWB) and House Airway Bill (HAWB) often is a matter of difficulty. Nine times out of ten problems arise due to improper identification or tracking systems, inaccuracy and obscurity which lead to untimely deliverance of goods from the point of dispatch to the destination. Manual processes of documentation may work but the don’t offer 100% visibility. Therefore, making use of the BoxOn logistics software that can ease up the process of freight and shipping is recommended.

MAWB (Master Airway Bill) & HAWB (House Airway Bill) Features To Help Your Business

BoxOn Logistics Software comes with a multitude of features which collectively work to streamline logistics operations. One of such features is related to simplifying MAWB and HAWB  issues. BoxOn Logistics Software can make it easier for logistics enterprises to:

  • Track shipments
    • Business owners can check the status of shipments online by entering air cargo, bill of lading, container number etc. and allow access to their customers as well.
  • Fill bills of entry & verify the data with no difficulty at all
  • Generate Airway Bills for shipments with all the details such as Origin of Airline, AWB Number, Destination Point, Product Quantity etc.
  • Manage data related to various phases of consolidation, allowing easy merging of house shipments
  • Store data online (100% secure)
  • Print AWB labels and manifests
  • Email Airway Bills and other necessary documents through an internal emailing system
  • Generate daily status reports
  • Ultimately reduce administrative costs, reduce staff work and increase productivity

BoxOn Logistics Software offers many other great benefits for logistics enterprises. It is designed to make logistics operations simple in an innovative way. To know more on how it works and how it can help your business, take the FREE Demo. Register for the FREE DEMO here, anytime you want.


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