Warehouse and KPI Stats for Warehouse and Logistics Managers

Warehouse and KPI Stats for Warehouse and Logistics Managers

Five Ways To Improve Logistics Efficiency At Manufacturing Sites?

Managing a warehouse can get hectic and sometimes that affects performance. So when discussing warehouse management its important to mention KPIs statistics. Key Performance Indicators statistics include things such as error rates, stock movement, order duration times and so on. However, aside from the basic stats needed to manage a warehouse, there are multiple other ones that benefit logistics managers as well.

Here are some Warehouse and KPI stats for Warehouse and Logistics Managers


A certified and experienced Safety Manager needs to ensure implementation of proper safety measures within a warehouse facility. Such implementations can reduce risks associated with human health and activity within a warehouse unit.

Also, regular training needs to happen to inform employees about the latest safety standards they need to practice and implement. Proper signage is an effective way of helping improve & remind them of safety standards. On top of that, managers need to make sure that OSHA regulations are followed throughout the warehouse unit.


Order picking is one of the important features of managing a warehouse. ‘Picking’ implies that items are kept in correct order and in the right quantity to satisfy customer requirements without affecting product quality.

Order Duration:

This is probably the most popular and critical statistic. Order Duration refers to the time taken by a customer to create an order. Starting from the initial order placement all the way to delivery. Nowadays, there’s a higher demand for faster delivery times, calling for shorter order durations.

Slotting and Re-slotting:

Slotting refers to maintaining SKUs (stock keeping units) in the warehouse based on sales and demand of the item. Its based on the sale of a particular product while the layout design of a warehouse depends on the sales data. The re-slotting is then done based on the increase of demand. Therefore, the best sales products go in the front and the least popular products go towards the back.

In this case pallet building follows the same principle, but in a slightly different way. The heaviest items should go at the bottom while the lighter and more fragile items go on top. This way its easier to pick the items for shipping purposes. Also, proper evaluation of sold products and their time frequencies will decide the type of warehouse and its layout design. This statistic will increase picking and shipping efficiency, save time and money, improve profit margins and make life easier for employees.

Order Picking:

Order picking means the number of orders, order lines and pieces picked up at a particular time frequency. These time frequencies can range from hourly to monthly or daily, weekly and weekday. Warehouse managers must choose the rate in which items are picked, the number of items picked and the value of the items moved.

By utilizing available data, management can organize their stock. So items located closer to loading bays go upfront while less frequently picked items go appropriately in the back. This enables managers to identify trends like how much stock sells during holidays and busy sessions and vice versa.

Stock Keeping Units (SKUs):

SKUs (or products) are measured in three different calculations: Lines, Pieces and Volume. ABC classifications are the most important statistics measured in regard to SKUs. These are important stats because with them managers can slot the warehouse properly and extract information.


Believe it or not, storage and picking locations provide a good amount of warehouse statistics. These type of statistics enable managers to have a glimpse of location usage, filling level and errors associated with them.

Received Goods:

The amount of goods received in a warehouse provide KPIs for vital statistics. Received goods can help when checking quality issues, peak times and return rates. They also help identify returns to vendor stock, the received volume, broken/missing stock and customer returns.


The picking operators directly influence performance targets. They also enable managers to find out their picking times and related errors (based on local labor laws). Picking times are on the basis of: Orders, Lines, Picks, Pieces and Volume calculations.

BoxOn Logistics

Overall, these statistics all provide a comprehensive overview of warehouse performance and help managers plan other key processes. At BoxOn, we understand the complexities of logistics, distribution and manufacturing and realized that a “one size fits all” application would not meet the needs of the market. So we abandoned the traditional software model and built a customizable framework.

BoxOn Logistics is a solution based on rules that drive your existing internal processes, rules that keep your business organized and rules that meet the needs of your customers. Each BoxOn implementation begins with a real analysis of your business processes. Our experts work with you to understand the issues you are dealing with, where you are facing inefficiencies and where technology can make a difference. We then work to set up the rules in the application around your existing systems so you don’t have to build your systems around the software.

So if you’d like to take advantage of our business solution, then sign up for a FREE DEMO of our product or Contact Us directly at Sales@BoxonLogistics.com. Our sales representatives are always ready to answer any of your questions.

At BoxOn…We don’t want to change your business. We just want to make it better.