Increase Customer Satisfaction with Freight Management Software

Increase Customer Satisfaction with Freight Management Software

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As consumer’s shipping expectations increase so do their shipping options and available services, therefore customer satisfaction is a key to success in freight management businesses. Customer Satisfaction may be a key to success in any business but it is not always easy if you do not have an exclusive business strategy. Especially if you are running a freight management business, then this task may become difficult because freight management is a complicated process in itself.

Enhancing Customer Satisfaction

Today, it is a must for every Freight Management Service Provider to build on customer experience in order to enhance customer satisfaction or to be able to reap long-term benefits.

But, how can you do this? How can you enhance customer satisfaction? How can you make your customers rely on you more and be loyal to you for continued success in your business? How can you create an impression on their minds of being the best in the market?

The answer to questions above and various other similar questions which center on customer acquisition and customer satisfaction is hidden in using the smartest Freight Management Software such as BoxOn Freight Management Software. Yes, this software can help you in satisfying customer needs. And not just this, it can help you in customer acquisition too, one satisfied customer may bring 10 or 100 new customers.

Reducing Paperwork – Your customers may expect you to be tech-driven in all ways possible. They may even want you to cut down on paperwork policies. So, make it convenient for them by reducing the paperwork load.

Real-Time Information – Just imagine, if your customers can get access to real-time information on their freight schedules, potential delays and shipment locations then this will help attract them more towards you and make them loyal customers. Allow your customers access to their freight information in multiple ways by making use of BoxOn Freight Management Software.

Online Tracking / Web Portal – You can provide customers access to information on your website with proper integration of the software. Your customers can access the latest updates on their shipment status through online tracking options with their approved login credentials. Besides, the option of the data storage will boost their experience, increasing customer satisfaction.

Fulfilling Client Expectations – By effectively leveraging analytics you can have the insights necessary to continually enhance freight services and customer satisfaction. The BoxOn “Analytics Tool” will allow you to analyse where you may lack to meet your customer’s expectations and identify the trends. For instance, if you identify a single shipment that consistently departs late from its departure point causing downstream impact across all operations at the destination point, then you can take immediate action to avoid it from affecting key customers.

SMS / Email – With the use of the BoxOn Freight Management software, you can send SMS or email to your customers anytime you want to notify them of their freight schedule or shipment details.

In short,

  • It is the best antidote for the paperless processing.
  • It can increase freight info visibility / visibility of data related to shipments and make your customers trust you more.
  • By using this software, you can easily comply with international best practices (as you get the latest updates from BoxOn’s Team of experts in the logistics industry) and thus you can better serve your customers.

With use of our BoxOn Freight Management Software, you can certainly bring strong improvement to your customer satisfaction metrics. We can assure you that uptake will be rapid (your customers are guaranteed to like it) and your customer loyalty is also guaranteed to grow. 
For more details or for a LIVE DEMO, please  Request us for a Demo