Pelham Services Case Study

Pelham Services Case Study

How to Increase Logistics Operations Efficiency with Boxon Logistics Software
6 Ways Freight Forwarders Can Benefit from BoxOn Logistics Software
6 Proven Hacks for Inventory Management in Logistics Business

Company: Pelham Services

Industry: International Freight Forwarders

About: Pelham Services offers port-to-port or door-to-door logistics services for its clients across the globe.

“BoxOn helped us in overcoming so many problems in our business. We are now able to carry on our work with much greater efficiency and reliability.”

Raul. E. Reveron, President

Company Overview: Pelham Services came into being with an idea to provide exceptional cargo consolidation services for its global customers. Today, they have an enviable position in the market which is the outcome of many years of hard work and dedicated services that they offer to their clients. In 1997, Mr. Reveron started his company from his home-based office in Florida and has grown to open offices in Los Angeles and Venezuela.  Pelham Services currently owns almost half a million square feet of warehouse space; 80% of the products or items stored are on the move in one way or another at any given time and many of their shipments comprise 50 containers or more. The details of their processes and each shipment need to be accurate because a minor mistake can be very damaging and expensive.

Getting Started: Prior to talking with us, Pelham was using outdated software that was not able to deliver the type of results they needed. “We have clients from around the world. We always felt a need to find a great technology solution that could help us in moving our international freight forwarding tasks in a more efficient manner”, Mr. Reveron stated, “We wanted web-based logistics software that could connect data seamlessly across multiple warehouse locations. BoxOn Freight Forwarding Software is a software solution that was essentially built around my own specifications. It gave us everything we wanted. Our offices in different locations are now well connected and it is like we are all working from the same office, which is fantastic.”

“I really fell in love with BoxOn when I came to know more about what we could do with it.  It has given us the flexibility to build organized, repeatable systems into our company that people easily follow.  As a user, if you don’t follow the system that is set up you simply can’t move forward with your tasks.  And the whole thing was built around our existing business process, so it made it very easy for us to integrate it and get used to using it since we weren’t being asked to change our way of doing business”, commented Mr. Reveron about BoxOn.

Andria, the export manager in the Miami Office, added “Making use of the ‘Query Rate’ in creating quotes is so simple. The query searches carrier rates per the class, origin, destination, mode of transport, commodity type, and other key criteria. It is now much easier for us to know which carriers offer the best services and rates depending upon certain details about the shipment. The great thing about this software is that we get all the results consolidated into a list. The search results grab the data from the carrier contracts and carrier rate sections. Whenever there is any change in service or if there is any general rate increase, then we update the rate system.  Making multiple changes simultaneously has become possible with the help of BoxOn, where in the past we used to update the rate individually. BoxOn has really helped us in improving both our productivity and our customer service.”

Josie Campbell and her colleagues in Los Angeles, California, make use of the “Quotes and Bookings” from BoxOn to create the shipments, customer clearance, and other necessary documentation. If trucking is required, they select the best option from the carrier’s trucking or brokerage group. The details in the Quotation Document are itemized with the help of the software.  Two columns are created: one column showing the trucking rate and the other showing the quote for the cargo stuffing or ocean freight. The services are then calculated using the same system offering the various quotes. There is not just the option of creating customized quotations; they are also able to come up with a customized bill of lading. For Pelham, BoxOn allows booking, documentation, shipment transactions and a variety of other tasks to be carried out without a flaw in the communication process.

Conclusion: Pelham is now able to search for customer and shipment information making use of multiple fields at the touch of a button.  Andria told us “We are now able to create internal reports or send custom reports to our customers, detailing everything they want to know about their orders.  Other team members from our office praise me as I come up with the reports so quickly. This has even brought me the name ‘Queen of Reports’!  But the actual magic lies in the software which makes my work so much simpler.”

Mr. Reveron added this final thought, “We have great team members, we know our work and our responsibilities, but still we would not have been able to gain the increase in the growth of our business if we had not made use of the BoxOn technology.  I would highly recommend any freight forwarders who want to become more efficient and profitable to take a serious look at BoxOn for their business”.